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![A Library of Unfortunate Events (Books 1-9: The Bad Beginning, The Reptile Room, The Wide Window, The Miserable Mill, The Austere Academy, The Ersatz Elevator, The Vile Village, The Hostile Hospital, and The Carnivorous Carnival) [Shrink Wrapped]](http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0060537590.01.MZZZZZZZ.jpg) A Library of Unfortunate Events (Books 1-9: The Bad Beginning, The Reptile Room, The Wide Window, The Miserable Mill, The Austere Academy, The Ersatz Elevator, The Vile Village, The Hostile Hospital, and The Carnivorous Carnival) [Shrink Wrapped] HarperCollins, November, 2002.


 Hospital Interior Architecture : Creating Healing Environments for Special Patient Populations John Wiley & Sons, April, 1992.


 Building Type Basics for Hospitality Facilities John Wiley & Sons, July, 2001.


 Building Type Basics for Healthcare Facilities John Wiley & Sons, September, 2000.


 The Preemie Parents' Companion: The Essential Guide to Caring for Your Premature Baby in the Hospital, at Home, and Through the First Years Harvard Common Pr, 15 September, 2000.


 Status One: Breakthroughs in High Risk Population Health Management Jossey-Bass, 15 June, 1999.


 The Case Manager's Handbook Aspen Publishers, Inc., 15 May, 1998.


 The MGH Board Review of Anesthesiology McGraw-Hill/Appleton & Lange, 11 September, 1998.
