Die Hard Twentieth Century Fox, 02 May, 1995.


 Die Hard (Widescreen Edition) Twentieth Century Fox, 18 September, 2001.


 Die Hard 2 Twentieth Century Fox, 02 May, 1995.


 Die Hard Boxed Set (Special Edition) Twentieth Century Fox, 21 August, 2001.


 Die Hard With a Vengeance Twentieth Century Fox, 14 May, 1996.


 Die Hard Trilogy (Widescreen Edition) Twentieth Century Fox, 14 May, 1996.


 Angels Die Hard Starmaker/Anchor Bay, 12 October, 1990.


 Die Hard Trilogy Twentieth Century Fox, 02 May, 1995.


 Hard to Die New Concorde Home En, 10 March, 1993.
